Diana Lee

Diana Lee lives for adventure, the great outdoors and sunrise stand up paddle boarding sessions! The list of ways she stays active is endless- aerial arts, biking, camping, snowboarding, hot yoga, you name it! As a Race Reporter for Get Out There Magazine, she enjoys events that involve obstacles, mud, costumes, color bombs, sliding, paddling, running (sometimes from zombies), climbing up high structures, jumping from high places, flying through the air or a combination of those things mentioned ;) When Diana isn't paddling or zip-lining down a mountain, she is a librarian who enjoys helping her community and tinkering with all sorts of tech nerdery, all while planning her next adventure and encouraging people to get out there!

Find out what she's up to on Twitter & Instagram: @only1phoenixx

Get Out There Videos

All the gear for a life of outdoor fun and adventure, plus race reviews, travel and more.



“You don't have to go fast. You just have to go.”

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